Home ยป Mother found drugs worth nine million rubles in a box with sweet cereals

Mother found drugs worth nine million rubles in a box with sweet cereals

by alex

A resident of London found a bag of 450 grams of methamphetamine in a cereal box

Photo: Sten Ritterfeld / Unsplash

A resident of London, UK, found drugs in a package of sweet breakfast cereals. Reported by The Sun.

The mother of four children, Hayesam Nassir, said that she once poured cereal for children and found a strange bag in a box. She looked for information on the Internet and realized that the contents are very similar to methamphetamine – a dangerous drug that is highly addictive.

The frightened British woman took the find to the police station. The department staff estimated that the package contained about 450 grams of methamphetamine, and its cost was about 90 thousand pounds (nine million rubles). If the bag broke and the drugs got into the flakes, it could be fatal.

A few days before the package was discovered, Nassir fed the children with cereal from the box. Therefore, she decided to take the children to the hospital and take the necessary tests to make sure that nothing threatens their health and lives.

The cereal maker said the package of drugs was inserted after the product left Nigeria, where it was produced. The investigation into the case is ongoing.

Earlier it was reported that in Liverpool, UK, a drug dealer was photographed with the product and received 18 years in prison. Police officers tracked down the perpetrator by fingerprints.

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