Home » Most Europeans support arms supplies to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia

Most Europeans support arms supplies to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia

by alex

The smallest support figures in France, however, also exceed 60%.

According to a survey conducted in Germany, France, Italy and Poland, almost 80% of Europeans are in favor of economic sanctions against Russia.

European Truth writes about this.

The survey was conducted on March 3-7. Following the introduction of the toughest packages of sanctions against Russia, EU citizens were asked if they supported the economic pressure imposed by the West on Russia.

Support for anti-Russian economic sanctions in France was the lowest among the states surveyed, but it is also very high. 72% of the French support tough sanctions pressure (of which 48% “definitely”, 24% “rather” support). Only 7% “do not support at all” and 9% “rather do not support” sanctions, 12% have not decided.

In Germany and Italy, support for sanctions is much higher, with 80% of respondents declaring support (57% unconditional support).

In Poland , support for pressure on the Russian Federation is absolute – 91%, 79% unconditionally.

It should be noted that in the European Union as a whole, sanctions against Russia are supported by 79% of citizens.

In addition, it was about the supply of military equipment to Ukraine.

So, in France, such a decision is supported by 65% of respondents, 20% are against, and 15% have not decided on this issue.

In Germany, 66% support the supply of weapons, 28% are against.

In Italy, support is the least, but also relatively high – 57%, 35% against.

In Poland , support for the supply of arms is absolute – 91% and only 5% against.

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