Home ยป Most Americans consider Trump to be the worst president in history

Most Americans consider Trump to be the worst president in history

by alex

Donald Trump

Most Americans (60 percent) have named Donald Trump as one of the worst presidents in history. This is evidenced by the results of polls by radio station NPR, the PBS NewsHour program and the sociological firm Marist.

Thus, almost half of the respondents said that the American leader would be remembered as one of the worst, another 13 percent expressed the opinion that he would be remembered as a below-average president.

He was named the best head of state by 16 percent of Americans, while another 11 percent of those polled said that his presidency would be rated above average or average. At the same time, more than 90 percent of citizens of democratic views named him worst and worse than average. Among the Republicans, there are more of those who positively assess Trump's merits. Thus, more than 60 percent of Americans rated it as one of the best or better than average.

According to the poll, Trump is leaving office with a 38 percent approval rating – almost the lowest rate since his presidency. In addition, since February 2020, there has been a sharp decline in the number of Americans who believe the country is moving in the right direction. A year ago, more than 40 percent of citizens thought so, now – 20 percent.

Earlier it was reported that the majority of American voters saw the storming of the Capitol, which took place on January 6, a threat to democracy. According to a poll by the Internet company YouGov, 93 percent of Democrats considered the incident a threat to democracy, and a majority of neutral voters joined them – 55 percent. However, only 27 Republicans supported their opinion.

On January 6, a rally of Trump supporters who do not recognize the results of the November vote, which elected Democrat Joe Biden as president, ended with the storming of the Capitol building and clashes with the police. Five people died, dozens were detained.

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