Home » Moscow Mayor's Office does not plan to introduce a face recognition system in all schools

Moscow Mayor's Office does not plan to introduce a face recognition system in all schools

by alex

The Moscow authorities do not intend to introduce a large-scale face recognition system in all the capital's schools, said Anastasia Rakova, deputy mayor of the capital for social development. According to her, such experiments are possible only at the request and with the consent of the students' parents.

“We are not planning to introduce any large-scale face recognition system when entering school. In some school buildings, there may be experiments, when, along with the passage of cards or bracelets, which are used in all buildings, additional systems of passage through face recognition may be introduced, ”said Ms Rakova in an interview with TASS.

The vice-mayor also assured that the city authorities will not transfer schools to distance education. According to Ms. Rakova, this type of training cannot replace full-time training.

“Almost all of 2020, both the first half and the second, especially the high school students, we studied remotely. Of course, it was very difficult at the beginning of the pandemic, in the spring of 2020, but by the fall we had significantly improved our MES (Moscow Electronic School) system, ”said Ms Rakova. At the same time, according to the vice-mayor, for certain categories such a training format is unique, because there is an opportunity to keep training without lagging behind.

Earlier, Kommersant wrote that in 2022 the city authorities plan to launch a face recognition system in schools: schoolchildren and employees of educational institutions, where they will be allowed inside only after biometric authentication. The initiative is planned to be implemented within the framework of the draft resolution of the government of the Russian Federation, developed by the Ministry of Finance. They are encouraged to expand the collection and processing of biometrics.

More details about the initiative – in the material “Kommersant” “Test on biometrics”.

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