Home » Moscow doctors did not help: Kadyrov continues to be in a coma

Moscow doctors did not help: Kadyrov continues to be in a coma

by alex

Moscow doctors were unable to bring Kadyrov out of his coma.

Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov< /strong> has been in a coma for several days. After which he was taken to Moscow, however, the capital’s doctors did not help.

OBOZREVATEL writes about this.

Now they plan to transport Kadyrov for treatment abroad, rather in total, in the UAE.

“Moscow doctors were unable to bring Kadyrov out of a coma, they decided to entrust his treatment to foreign doctors,” the message says.

Rumors about Kadyrov’s illness were spread by Chechen opposition channels just a few months ago. In particular, they reported kidney disease.

What is known about Kadyrov's illness

Chechen leader and criminal Ramzan Kadyrov isin a coma. His health condition has deteriorated significantly.

The death of the leader of Russian Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, who, according to information from various sources, is in serious condition or even in a coma, can lead to a majorpolitical cataclysm in the Russian Federation, where the national-political relations built over the past 20 years will begin to collapse.

The state of the comatose head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, and his disappearance from the political processes in Russia, unfortunately, will not affect the course of hostilities in Ukrainebut serious internal destabilization movements will begin in the Russian Federation.

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