Home ยป More than 50 thousand people with COVID-19 have died in Spain since the beginning of the pandemic

More than 50 thousand people with COVID-19 have died in Spain since the beginning of the pandemic

by alex

More than 50 thousand people with COVID-19 have died in Spain since the beginning of the pandemic

More than 50 thousand people who have died from the effects of coronavirus infection have been registered in Spain, Interfax reports, citing European media outlets.

According to the Spanish Ministry of Health, since the beginning of the pandemic, 50,122 infected people have died in the country, the number of infected people amounted to more than 1.8 million people.

As a result, Spain ranked fourth among European countries in the number of deaths after the coronavirus.

In Italy, since the beginning of the outbreak, about 72 thousand patients have died, in Britain – almost 71 thousand cases, in France – about 63 thousand people.

Vaccination of the population against coronavirus began in Spain on Sunday.

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