Home » More than 400 thousand schoolchildren joined the marathon on the Day of Russia

More than 400 thousand schoolchildren joined the marathon on the Day of Russia

by alex

MOSCOW, June 12. / TASS /. The two-day All-Russian marathon “Science is Near”, which was timed to coincide with the Day of Russia, was attended by over 400 thousand schoolchildren – participants of the “Big Change” project from all Russian regions. Children visited institutes, production facilities, listened to lectures by young scientists, the organizing committee of the marathon reported on Saturday.

“It is symbolic that the action“ Science is nearby ”was held on the Day of Russia on June 12. Our citizens should know and see that scientists, including young people, are working throughout the country. Without science, it is impossible to make a breakthrough in any significant area: medicine, the development of spaces, security, the creation of revolutionary new materials, increased production efficiency, digitalization, and many others. It is science and scientific knowledge that underlie the economic growth and social transformation of Russia, “said Deputy Prime Minister, co-chairman of the organizing committee of the Year of Science and Technology Dmitry Chernyshenko, whose words are quoted in the message.

More than a thousand schoolchildren were able to visit the laboratories of leading Russian universities, scientific and industrial centers of the country, including enterprises of the nuclear and rocket and space industries. Among them are the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Physics and Power Engineering Institute named after A.I. Leipunsky, State Research Center named after M.V. Khrunichev, enterprise “Proton- PM “, Crimean Federal University, ITMO University, Botanical Garden of Belgorod State University, Tyumen State University and others. Young scientists told schoolchildren about big science, great scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of world and Russian science.

“Thanks to the Science is Nearby marathon, the schoolchildren were able to see the construction site of the first Russian hadron collider NICA, the reactor facility for the production of isotope products for nuclear medicine, visit the synchrotron-neutron research complex, get acquainted with the technology of production of the Proton-M launch vehicles. -neutron research Nikita Marchenkov conducted an excursion for the students and told about the principles of the synchrotron operation. The children also saw one of the most powerful supercomputers in the country and touched the history of the atomic project, visiting the exposition of the first uranium-graphite reactor “F-1” on the continent of Eurasia, – clarified in the organizing committee.

In addition, at the site of the Khrunichev Center, the children were told about the activities of the enterprise, the work of designers in the rocket and space industry, as well as the design of the Proton and Angara launch vehicles. In the Perm Territory, Proton-PM employees showed the participants modern technical equipment: CNC lathes and milling machines and products manufactured on machine tools that become part of spacecraft. At the Energia rocket and space corporation in the Moscow region, the guys got acquainted with the rarest life-size space technology: the first Soviet long-range ballistic and intercontinental missiles and rocket blocks designed by S.P. Korolev, as well as the model of the first generation Salyut manned orbital station “.

The Science is Nearby marathon is part of the Year of Science and Technology in Russia. The organizers of the marathon are ANO National Priorities, the Russian society “Knowledge”, the All-Russian Science Festival “Science 0+”, ANO “Big Change” and the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Council for Science and Education under the President of the Russian Federation.

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