Home ยป More than 400 parishes have left the UOC-MP since the Russian invasion

More than 400 parishes have left the UOC-MP since the Russian invasion

by alex

More than 400 communities of the Moscow Patriarchate have moved to the OCU/Channel 24

The Russian Orthodox Church after the invasion of the Rashists in Ukraine has practically no fans. The occupiers do not have the religious influence they hoped for.

Russian infidels have lost a large platform of their influence in Ukraine. The Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate gave them hope that some Ukrainians would support their aggressive actions.

Transition of communities to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Since the Russian invaders started a full-scale war against Ukraine, communities from the UOC to the Moscow Patriarchate began to move to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Their number has already passed the mark of four hundred.

Most of the communities have made the transition to the OCU in the Khmelnytsky region, we are talking about more than 100 communities. It is also reported that 50 communities went under the leadership of Metropolitan Epiphanius.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate flounders against such transitions and complains about the “seizure of temples.” Formally, the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate is a part of the Russian Orthodox Church and is subordinate to Patriarch Kirill.

Russia's war against Ukraine: latest news

  • Russian infidels threw all their forces into the complete occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The enemy makes offensive actions in all directions.
  • The only goal of the enemy is to capture territories, they are not interested in cities. They do not stop the insane shelling and bombing of civilian infrastructure and residential areas. As a result of their criminal actions, peaceful Ukrainians are dying.
  • Rashists in Mariupol, which they destroyed, thought of playing their propaganda on a mobile screen installed on a car. Against the backdrop of the ruins of the city, this looks like the pinnacle of cynicism, but the Russians are used to breaking through more and more bottom.
  • At the same time, our scouts report that the forces of the Rashists are far from their expectations. For some time, the enemy will be able to continue active hostilities for offensive operations, but the weapons of Ukraine's Western partners will change the situation in favor of the heroic Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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