Home ยป More than 20 thousand cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in Russia per day

More than 20 thousand cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in Russia per day

by alex

Operations headquarters: over the past day in Russia, 20 638 cases of COVID-19 infection were detected

Photo: Sergey Kiselev / AGN “Moscow”

Over the past day in Russia, 20,638 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in 85 regions. Of these, 8.3 percent were found to be free of clinical manifestations of infection. 912 people have died from the consequences of COVID-19, according to the operational headquarters for the situation with coronavirus in Russia in its Telegram channel.

Compared to Thursday, December 30, the incidence has slightly decreased: the day before, more than 21 thousand cases of infection were recorded.

In addition, 40 692 people fully recovered in a day.

The largest number of cases was detected in Moscow – 2739 people, in St. Petersburg – 1529 people, and in the Moscow region – 1197 people. The smallest number of cases of infection was recorded per day in Chukotka: three people with COVID-19 were registered there.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Russia, 10,499,982 cases of coronavirus have been detected in 85 regions. During this period, 308 860 deaths were recorded, 9 463 919 people recovered.

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