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More information about the origin of food

by alex

Government plans to extend labeling requirements to community kitchens and processed products

Consumers should learn more about the origin of food. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober had a draft ordinance drawn up which provides for the labeling of the origin of products from cattle and eggs in communal kitchens. Canteens and kitchens in schools or old people's homes are affected.

Agriculture Minister Elisabeth Köstinger is of the opinion that the origin of fruit and vegetables can also be included in the regulation on communal kitchens. The draft from the Ministry of Health is an “important first step”, but it “does not go far enough”. The primary ingredients in processed foods such as ready-made meals should also be included in the regulation. There is currently an obligation to label the origin of fresh meat.

Köstinger referred to an opinion by the European law expert Walter Obwexer. According to this, a mandatory origin labeling is possible for processed products and in communal catering for beef and beef products, egg products as well as for fruit and vegetables.

For other product groups, the legal framework is narrower, according to the report. However, mandatory labeling is possible via notification to the EU Commission, taking quality aspects into account. The labeling of origin can be prescribed regardless of the application of the product (food processing, communal catering or gastronomy).


The draft of the Ministry of Health should be readjusted in the coming weeks. Köstinger is optimistic that Austria will “find its own way”. “We know that there are also hurdles under EU law and that it will not be easy to implement, especially because the European Union's primary ingredient regulation exists.”

The coalition agreement provides for mandatory labeling of the primary ingredients milk, meat and eggs in public and private communal catering. There could be EU legal problems with milk. The Ministry of Agriculture refers to countries such as France or Italy, where there is still a label indicating the origin of the milk.

The food industry has reservations. National labeling requirements would only affect domestic manufacturers. Animal welfare organizations speak of a “first step”.

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