Home » Molecular biologist denies rumors about the effect of coronavirus on the genome

Molecular biologist denies rumors about the effect of coronavirus on the genome

by alex

Molecular biologist denies rumors about the effect of coronavirus on the genome

The coronavirus does not and cannot alter the human genome. This was stated by the molecular biologist, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Konstantin Severinov, reports NSN.

According to him, there are viruses capable of inserting their genetic material into the human genome. As an example, the scientist cited the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS. “But the coronavirus does not. He simply does not have the necessary enzymes for this, they are not encoded in the genome of this virus. It is designed in such a way that the stage of infection, at which the insertion of the genetic material of the virus into the genome of the infected cell, does not exist. Therefore, apart from ordinary fears and urban legends, there is no scientific evidence that it might be, “Severinov said.

He also stressed that the human genome cannot be affected by any of the currently used COVID-19 vaccines.

“They either have no genetic material at all, as in the case of EpiVacCorona, or the virus is killed by chemical treatment, as in the case of CoviVac, or an adenovirus is used, as in the case of Sputnik V. The adenovirus is designed in such a way that at no stage of infection is it capable of introducing its genome into our genome, ”the biologist explained.

Earlier, a team of researchers at the MRC-University of Glasgow Virus Research Center found that due to mutations in the OAS1 gene, part of the world's population is less susceptible to infection with coronavirus or is completely protected from it. Experts have found that the main secret lies in the peculiarity of attaching a fat molecule to a protein – gene prenylation. This modification allows OAS1 to “search” for an invading virus and activate the body's defense mechanisms.

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