Home » Mobilization has already intensified: what can we expect after the “elections” in Russia

Mobilization has already intensified: what can we expect after the “elections” in Russia

by alex

The so-called presidential “elections” took place in Russia on March 15–17. Absolutely predictably, the war criminal Vladimir Putin won.

On air 24 Channel veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, reserve major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, military expert Alexei Getman said what the greatest threats are facing our state after Putin’s re-election. Analysts are convinced that after the “elections” the dictator is trying to create information conditions for a protracted war in Ukraine.

“They will take everyone”

Many experts are talking about strengthening or announcing general mobilization in Russia. At the same time, Getman noted that the Kremlin has already stepped up mobilization, at least in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

For the so-called “elections,” the Russian occupiers compiled lists of people, indicating their first and last names, age, gender and place of residence. Now the Russians are going to the houses of people who, according to Russian “laws,” are subject to mobilization, and gathering people.

Total mobilization is planned there. All people who are of age and stand on two legs will be mobilized. No one takes into account the state of health and certainly will not select units, as they do in Ukraine. “Everyone will be taken away from the temporarily occupied territories,” said a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

According to him, another source of mobilization is foreigners. However, according to the reserve major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is unlikely that the enemy will be able to create a super-powerful unit out of them. In addition, prisoners will be collected in Russia.

The Russians have already pulled everything out of remote regions and peripheries, so mobilization will also begin in large Russian cities. Previously, the Kremlin leaders did not want to do this, because it could negatively affect the “beautiful” picture of Putin’s re-election.

If mobilization had begun in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then this picture could be spoiled. There are no brakes now,” noted Getman.

The Kremlin wants to gather at least another up to half a million people, to increase the number of their group at the front is up to a million and try to take offensive actions at the end of May. Kharkov. We need to react to this calmly. So far, the Russians have not assembled a group that could attack either Kiev, or Kharkov, or Odessa. This is all stuffing up so that the Ukrainians begin to worry,” added the reserve major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. < /p>

Increasing mobilization in Russia: latest news

  • Representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region Andrei Yusov said that after the re-elections in Russia, mobilization activities are expected to intensify. He noted that mobilization in Russia did not stop, because Putin signed a decree on partial mobilization in the fall of 2022.
  • The day before, The Wall Street Journal wrote that a new a wave of mobilization, as Putin wants to consolidate his advantage on the battlefield.
  • The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense does not rule out mobilization in Russia. Before a new wave of Russian mobs arrives at the front, Ukraine may have some time to mobilize its forces. In particular, to strengthen brigades and create reserves.

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