Home » Missing Tengelmann boss is to be declared dead

Missing Tengelmann boss is to be declared dead

by alex

Tengelmann boss Karl-Erivan Haub has been missing for almost three years. Now the man is to be declared dead.

Tengelmann boss Karl-Erivan Haub has been missing for almost three years. In April 2018 he did not return from a ski tour. Now the man is to be declared dead. One of the man's brothers and the company have already submitted an application. Now, after a long hesitation, the wife and children of the missing person want to have them declared dead. According to a spokesman for the Cologne district court, the family has joined the ongoing applications for a declaration of death.

Karl-Erivan Haub is considered one of the richest Germans. He set out on a ski tour alone on April 7, 2018 and has never returned. The family assumes that he had a fatal accident on the Klein Matterhorn in Switzerland.

His younger brother Christian then took over sole management of the Tengelmann Group. Together with the company, he and his brother Georg had already applied for Karl-Erivan Haub to be declared dead in October. Georg Haub withdrew his application again in mid-January, according to “Spiegel”.

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