Home » Military expert explained why Russia will not be able to recognize strikes on Crimea

Military expert explained why Russia will not be able to recognize strikes on Crimea

by alex

Consequences of the explosions in Crimea/Channel 24 Collage

At the airfield of the Russian armed forces near Novofedorovka on August 9, powerful explosions thundered. However, the Russians still cannot decide on the “official” version of the “claps”.


On Channel 24, military expert Yigal Levin said that this it was definitely not a Russian provocation, because the destruction was enormous.

He noted that 9 enemy aircraft had already been confirmed destroyed, and how many more could be damaged.

This is not a provocation. These planes are worth tens of millions. Nobody will do it. Especially in the situation in which Russia is, – said Yigal Levin.

“The fact that Ukraine does not officially take responsibility is the most correct. I remind you that something is constantly blowing up in Syria and Israel does not take responsibility. However, everyone understands who is doing this,” the military expert said.

He recalled that a drone factory near Damascus had recently been destroyed. Israel did not take responsibility, but it is clear that it did not liquidate itself.

Why Russia is silent

The expert noted that the Russians with the Moskva cruiser were silent. They do not want to admit that there is indeed a full-scale war going on.

Yigal Levin explained that the “special operation” in the psychology of the first world, and that is where Russia really wants to be, is carried out against terrorists who have no subjectivity. They can snarl, but do not deal serious blows. In addition, they cannot sink cruisers and cannot strike airfields.

By the way, this airfield in Crimea is one of the most guarded. There is a complex air defense system, you just can’t get through there and not get through. This is a protected facility, and not just some kind of base where the planes were stationed, Yigal Levin emphasized.

“So, some “Nazis” or even more so “drug addicts”, as they say, cannot take and destroy 9 combat and expensive aircraft, as well as burn down the entire military base, which (the Russians – Channel 24) guarded. This to sign their absolute incompetence, inefficiency. That is why it is easier for them to say that it happened and Ukraine has nothing to do with it,” the military expert explained.

What is known about the explosions in Crimea

  • Powerful explosions were heard near Novofedorovka in Crimea. They sounded at the airfield of the Russian armed forces. At first they talked about 4 explosions, later information appeared about 6 – 7, and then even 15.
  • The airfield in Novofedorovka near the city of Saki became the place where the explosions thundered. It is one of the key airfields for Russian aviation. We show what the airfield looked like before someone smoked there and what kind of planes Russia deployed there.
  • New York Times, citing a high-ranking Ukrainian military official, an effective attack on the Russian base near the city of Saki is a merit soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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