Home ยป Microsoft has released a fresh ad for Windows 11 ahead of the announcement of the system

Microsoft has released a fresh ad for Windows 11 ahead of the announcement of the system

by alex

Already today Microsoft will present its new operating system – Windows 11. The event on this occasion will take place only in the evening, but now the company is advertising the novelty via video on the Internet.

Like past videos on the system, the new one does not accurately represent the product. Rather, it conveys the mood of something expected and mysterious. According to ZDNet, the IT giant “promises a lot” in it.

Note that judging by the available images of the new Windows, it will somewhat resemble the canceled Windows 10X for mobile devices and laptops.

Let's remind that a few days ago a preliminary build of Windows 11 was leaked to the network. Anyone can download it and install it on their computer. At the same time, Microsoft has already filed a complaint with the requirement to remove the image under the DMCA.

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