Home » Mexican president infected with coronavirus flew on plane before test

Mexican president infected with coronavirus flew on plane before test

by alex

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador flew on a commercial flight hours before he tested positive for coronavirus. Writes about this Fox News.

According to the press secretary Jesus Ramirez, the head of state felt chills at the end of Sunday's event in the city of San Luis Potosi. Obrador did not attach any importance to this, explaining it as a cold, but upon returning to Mexico City, the symptoms worsened. Ramirez said that the passengers of the flight were contacted in connection with the incident, and the journalists of the presidential pool were asked to observe self-isolation.

The president was criticized for such actions. “How irresponsible and careless of him to just get on a plane knowing that you could be infected. The problem is that he is the president. If the president breaks health care rules, he sets a bad example for others, ”said Jesús Ortega, a former leader of the opposition Democratic Revolution Party.

Obrador said he contracted the coronavirus on January 25 on social media. He noted that his illness was mild.

At the same time, due to illness, Obrador did not cancel the telephone conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. During it, they, in particular, discussed the supply to Mexico of the Russian vaccine against coronavirus Sputnik V.

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