Home » Metro Austria is repositioning itself for customers in a completely new way

Metro Austria is repositioning itself for customers in a completely new way

by alex

Metro is planning radical changes for the anniversary.

The discounter Hofer has shown the way, now the wholesale chain Metro is also announcing radical changes in purchasing in Austria.

No more paper price tags, more fresh products such as fruit and vegetables at the entrance and at some point in the future no more cash registers – these are the plans that the local discounter Hofer (you can read all the details here) is pursuing, as it became known on Monday. On Tuesday, the wholesale market provider Metro announced its plans. Everything should revolve around “the expansion of services and private label share”, it says in a press release from the company.

On March 2, 1971, exactly 50 years ago, the first Metro wholesale market outside of Germany was opened in Vienna-Vösendorf. At that time, 36,000 articles were offered, which was a sensation – as well as the longest opening times in the country and exclusive membership via customer card. Metro currently has twelve wholesale stores in Austria and employs around 2,100 people in its stores.

“Together we are the Metro team, which sticks together even when there is no cheer – as is currently the case due to COVID-19. (…) We have been proving this for 50 years and of course in our anniversary year, which is about to best support the hotel and catering industry during the restart phase. This is what METRO is always about, also in the next 50 years “, says Metro Austria boss Xavier Plotitza.

The Salzburg platform is currently expanding the Austria-wide delivery service for gastronomy customers in order to better serve hotels and restaurants. “In terms of renovation technology, investments will also be made in the locations in Linz and Wels this year. In addition, photovoltaics will be further expanded on the roofs of the twelve wholesale stores: St. Pölten, Simmering, Klagenfurt and Wiener Neustadt are already equipped,” the company said.

Metro already has a private label share of over 20 percent in the catering industry and is therefore the market leader in wholesale, according to the company. It is planned to increase this to 26 to 28 percent over the next ten years. And: In general, all Metro countries have committed to replacing conventional single-use plastics with reusable, recyclable or compostable alternatives by 2025. Numerous products are being converted.

“Togetherness and solidarity – the 'Newgether' – is therefore also the central element of the Metro corporate and success philosophy that is emphasized in the campaign. Therefore, with the motto 'Metro Metro – 50 years', all people are the focus who have been contributing to the company's success for 50 years, all customers, partners and employees of Metro – together an unbeatable team. The campaign was developed together with the creative agency Heimat Wien and will be played out in Austria all year round, “said Metro about the last step of the anniversary project .

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