Home » Merkel called the situation with Navalny an urgent problem in Europe

Merkel called the situation with Navalny an urgent problem in Europe

by alex

Alexey Navalny

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the situation with hospitalized Alexei Navalny an urgent problem in Europe. RIA Novosti reports.

Speaking at an event marking the 30th anniversary of German reunification, Merkel listed issues that she sees as pressing for Europe. Among them – the events around Navalny and the fires in the Greek refugee camp “Moria”. At the same time, Merkel added that each generation has its own challenges.

Earlier on September 10, it was reported that Alexei Navalny, who is in the German clinic “Charite”, completely recovered from a coma, from which he was taken out on September 7. He is known to have recalled the events leading up to his hospitalization, and his state of health is “better than one would expect in such a situation.” On September 2, the German government announced that military toxicologists had found traces of a substance from the Novichok group in Navalny's body and called on the Russian government to respond to this information.

A fire broke out in the Moriya camp for two days in a row, leaving at least 3.5 thousand people homeless. According to a number of publications in the media, the first arson occurred during the unrest of migrants. They were prompted by the announcement that 35 people in the camp were infected with the coronavirus, after which they were tried to be isolated. Some of the infected refused, while others tried to leave the camp.

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