Home » Medvedev called a possible war between Russia and NATO a catastrophe

Medvedev called a possible war between Russia and NATO a catastrophe

by alex

Medvedev said that the scenario of a war between Russia and NATO would be the most catastrophic

Photo: Yulia Zyryanova / TASS

The outcome in which Ukraine decides to take a forceful path towards Donbass, pushing Russia and NATO together, would be the most dramatic. This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with leading Russian media, including Lenta.ru”, answering the relevant question.

“So it would be the most dramatic, simply catastrophic scenario. And I just hope that this will never happen,” Medvedev said.

At the same time, he noted that in NATO countries and in the United States, some “crazy hotheads” are already discussing this topic. “But I expect that this will never happen,” Medvedev concluded.

In an interview with journalists of leading Russian media, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council also answered questions regarding the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, international security, Ukraine and other topical issues.

Earlier, Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis spoke about the unacceptability of Russia’s war with NATO. According to him, the countries of the North Atlantic Treaty are ready for such a conflict, but such an outcome is the worst—case scenario, since it will be a very big world war.

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