Home ยป Media: Facebook Suspends New Products to Assess Reputation Threats

Media: Facebook Suspends New Products to Assess Reputation Threats

by alex

Social network Facebook has slowed down the process of introducing new features on its platform in recent days amid accusations that the company does not care enough about the safety and psychological well-being of its users, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing sources. According to the publication, the social network has also strengthened its control over inside information, including in relation to research that could potentially carry reputational harm if released.

According to the newspaper's sources, Facebook has assigned employees the task of “assessing the reputation” so that the social network is not subjected to new criticism. Also, this group of employees must make sure that new products will not pose a danger to children.

Previously, former Facebook employee Francis Haugen spoke before a special hearing in the US Senate and accused the company of prioritizing profit over the public interest. While working at Facebook, she secretly copied the company's internal research, later passing it on to The Wall Street Journal and the US Congress. According to Ms Haugen, Facebook is lying about progress in tackling the spread of prohibited content, violence and misinformation. It also became clear from her statements that Facebook has long known about the harmful effects of Instagram on the psyche of teenagers, but the public continues to claim the opposite. In addition, internal documentation suggests that Facebook's algorithms promote content that calls for violence and hatred or is scandalous.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the accusations against Francis Haugen make no sense. According to him, the company cares about the safety and mental health of its users. He also promised to showcase Facebook's security efforts.

Read about the testimony of a former employee of the company in the US Senate in the material of “Kommersant” “Facebook was knocked on the face in the mud.”

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