Home » Maria Zakharova named the main results of 2021

Maria Zakharova named the main results of 2021

by alex

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova called 2021 the year of restoration of international life

Maria Zakharova. Photo: @mzakharovamid

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova summed up the results of 2021. In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, she compared the outgoing year with the previous year, 2020.

Zakharova stressed that people are accustomed to the fact that peace is a normal and natural state for the planet, countries and peoples. However, it is necessary to fight for it. “Therefore, I believe that defending the right of people to a peaceful life, protecting peace and order from various aggressive inclinations is our common global achievement,” she said.

The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry called the main results of 2021 the preservation and maintenance of peace. This year, the forms of work that were common in the “dock-like” period were restored. She called 2021 the year of restoration of international life.

“I would call 2021 the year of the restoration of international life. Look at how many summits and meetings have passed. Global large forums have already taken place, and they are combined with online performances, ”Zakharova emphasized.

According to the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, 2021 differs from 2020 in the same way as the course of the coronavirus differs from the post-coccygeal syndrome. 2020 was so devastating that we had to survive, fighting both the pandemic and new circumstances. Therefore, there was no room for their own emotions and experiences.

“But the year 2021 is very comparable to those postcoid phenomena experienced by people suffering from this virus. A year of restoration. But sometimes recovery is more difficult than the disease itself. It seems to me that if such a parallel is drawn, then it reflects very realistically what is happening, “she concluded.

Earlier, Zakharova called the restoration of life, which “nearly collapsed” in 2020, as one of the main results of the year. In the new year, she wished love for everyone and for the world.

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