Home » Many years under sanctions: why the world is not ready to harshly punish Iran

Many years under sanctions: why the world is not ready to harshly punish Iran

by alex

Will Israel and Western countries use force against Iran / Collage 24 Channel

Iran is an influential player in the Middle East. It is no secret that he finances the so-called resistance forces in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. In particular, Hamas. Iran, in turn, does not confirm that it helps these organizations.

Western countries, despite understanding the threats from Iran, are in no hurry to conduct military operations against Tehran. Political scientist Igor Reiterovich told Channel 24 about this, explaining that Iran is a country that has invested heavily in its defense for decades.

Acts slyly

At the same time, Iran's army cannot be considered advanced, but a military operation against it will not be a walk in the park. Many countries are looking for other options to solve this problem and are taking proactive steps. In particular, the United States has two aircraft carrier groups in the Mediterranean to ensure Israel's security in the region.

The world understands that Iran can be punished, first of all, with economic sanctions. He has already existed under them for a decade. For many countries, except Israel, starting military operations is a very important decision.

In many Western democracies, after the events in Iraq and Afghanistan, there are questions about the appropriateness of such operations. Even if we are talking about openly authoritarian regimes that threaten the entire region,” the political scientist emphasized.

Iran, understanding the threats, is still behaving quite cunningly. He officially very rarely admits his involvement in any organizations. Tehran can also take a step back when necessary. The Iran issue remains in limbo.

How Israel and the West can react to Iran's actions: watch the video

So far Israel is only warning

According to Israeli experts, even after the events of October 7, if Iran had given any reason, Israel should respond with all its might to solve this problem once and for all.

As long as Iran is marked in the region, its proxies will threaten Israel. At the same time, after the Hamas attack on October 7, its threat became more serious for both Israel and Iran. Israel is only warning Iran for now, but is probably not going to resort to more radical actions,” noted Igor Reiterovich.

If there are no initiatives from Israel, other countries will only be forced to comment and accept new sanctions against Iran, but will not solve this problem militarily.

The Iranian factor in the war between Hamas and Israel

  • Since the beginning of the deterioration of the situation in the Middle East, Iran has sided with Hamas, as well as Iran's ally Hezbollah. The organization's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, suggests that Hezbollah's entry into the conflict in the Gaza Strip “remains possible.”
  • At the same time, the United States sent two aircraft carrier groups with 180 aircraft to the Mediterranean Sea. The emergence of such a powerful United States force in the region is a warning and deterrent specifically to Iran and its proxies – Hezbollah, the Houthis in Yemen, and the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
  • Hezbollah warned it could hit US ships. For this group, it probably has the appropriate weapons – Russian Yakhont missiles with a range of 300 kilometers. Hezbollah acquired these missiles in Syria, but the organization itself has not confirmed this information.

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