Home » Man accidentally buys two identical lottery tickets and wins two jackpots

Man accidentally buys two identical lottery tickets and wins two jackpots

by alex

The total prize was $240,338.

Two jackpots worth $240,338 were won by a 67-year-old resident of Oakland County (Michigan, USA) after he accidentally bought two identical lottery tickets.

UPI writes about it.

“Every week I buy a multi-circulation ticket with the same set of numbers that I have entered for four years in a row,” the player said.

Both of the man's tickets, numbered 04-10-12-20-30, won a $120,169 jackpot.

“After the draw, I opened my lottery account to check the numbers and couldn't believe it when I saw the prize of $240,338,” the man said.

The winner will spend part of the prize money on his son's education, and save the rest.

Earlier we wrote that the lottery winner was accused of stealing the winning ticket. Find out who embezzled $2 billion.

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