Home ยป Mail.ru Group announced partial elimination of problems with ICQ

Mail.ru Group announced partial elimination of problems with ICQ

by alex

Moscow. September 13. INTERFAX.RU – The problems that led to the malfunction of the ICQ messenger have been partially eliminated, follows from the comment of Mail.ru Group to the Interfax request.

On Monday, users of the messenger, which is part of the Mail.ru Group's asset portfolio, faced a disruption that affected the operation of both the mobile and desktop versions of ICQ. Most often, users complained about problems with authorization, application operation and connection to the server. The largest number of complaints came from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but problems were also observed in other cities of the Russian Federation.

“We observed temporary problems that have already been partially resolved. User data remains completely safe,” the Mail.ru Group press service told Interfax.

Complaints began to arrive at about 14:30 Moscow time, according to data from Downdetector.

In particular, the mobile version of ICQ did not allow exchanging messages, since it was in constant “update” mode.

As for the desktop version, it unilaterally logged out some of the users. When trying to re-authorize, ICQ offered to re-accept the terms and privacy policy – however, after that the user did not gain access to chats, and there was no personal information in his profile.

A little later – if the user logged out from ICQ and tried to log in again – the system began to display an error message and offer to try again later.

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