Home ยป Macron's wife sues over sex change rumors

Macron's wife sues over sex change rumors

by alex

French leader Macron's wife sues women who spread rumors about her sex change

Brigitte Macron. Photo: Sarah Meyssonnier / Reuters

Brigitte, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, has filed a lawsuit against two women who spread rumors about her gender change. About this writes the publication LN24.

Hearings in the court of Paris will begin on June 15. The wife of the French leader accused unnamed women of invading privacy and violating individual rights.

According to the first lady, the attackers worked to change her genealogical data on reference sites. Supporters of far-right political forces suspected the wife of the French leader of a sex change back in 2021.

They began to actively publish posts on this topic on social networks. In particular, the authors of the rumors claim that Brigitte Macron was born under the male name of Jean-Michel Tronier. It is noted that Tronier is the maiden name of the president's wife.

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