Home ยป Lukashenko assessed the likelihood of “provocations” of Ukraine in Pridnestrovie

Lukashenko assessed the likelihood of “provocations” of Ukraine in Pridnestrovie

by alex

The dictator says that the Ukrainians will not allow a “second front”.

Self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenka said: he does not believe that Ukraine can arrange a “provocation” in Pridnestrovie.

The leader of the ruling regime said this in Raubichi, writes “Belta”.

Lukashenko spoke that Kiev does not need the problems of Transnistria. However, the pseudo-president could not fail to mention the countries of the West, without which he would not succeed.

“It is not profitable for them (Ukraine – Ed.). The West would like to solve the problem with Russia with one blow and close this” gray hole,” as they say, and unite Moldova, shove it into Romania, or make it pro-Western. This is their goal. The Ukrainians do not need it. I do not believe that the Ukrainians will deceive and decide some kind of second front,” said the Belarusian dictator.

Recall that on February 24 the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement in which it condemned the so-called “concentration of Ukrainian military forces on the border with Transnistria.” Mokva, announced that she would use any means to protect the separatist “republic”, which was called the equivalent of the territory of the Russian Federation.

The day before, on February 23, the Russian Ministry of Defense published a statement that Ukraine was allegedly preparing a provocation against Transnistria. They will allegedly be carried out by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the involvement of the nationalist formation “Azov”.

The Moldovan authorities denied Moscow's statements. The Moldovan authorities cooperate with foreign partners. However, in case of a threat to the country, they promise to inform the public about it.

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