Home » Lukashenka's “scoop”. Is Belarus' attack on Ukraine real?

Lukashenka's “scoop”. Is Belarus' attack on Ukraine real?

by alex

Three years ago Alexander Lukashenko called the then President of Ukraine a friend, and considered his native roots” buried somewhere between Chernigov and Kiev “. And he promised to come to visit on any technique, except military.

However, a lot has changed since then. Official Kiev did not recognize Lukashenko as the legally elected president of Belarus and condemned the brutal suppression of peaceful protests.

The old man took offense and began to lean even more towards the Kremlin. Burning political bridges with other neighbors at the same time.

And in an interview with Turkish television, he announced the reincarnation of the Soviet Union with the Russian Federation. And here is Ukraine, you ask. The fact is that without our territory the Russian empire will never be genuine. Namely, its reproduction is being sought by the master of the Kremlin.

But should we prepare for an offensive from Belarus?

Lukashenka is increasingly raising the degree in verbal confrontation with the West and Ukraine. He still unofficially, but nevertheless recognized the Crimea as Russian and is going to visit it. And during the presentation to the local activists of the new head of the Vitebsk region, he directly ordered to prepare for war.

Belarus has already opened the skies for Russian strategic bombers. And it may well provide its airfields for Putin's tactical aviation.

What on earth? Belarus has a small but well-armed army. True, the Belarusian military infrastructure is directed against NATO. All troops are located in the western and northern regions.

However, the threat from Belarus is still rather potential. However, it may acquire real shape, given the precarious position of Batka himself. He understands that he will not be able to govern the country directly for a long time. Therefore, he is looking for options for an honorable pension. Therefore, he again spoke of a union state with Russia. A sort of USSR version 2.0.


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