Home » Lozovoy's edits: what they mean and why they want to cancel them

Lozovoy's edits: what they mean and why they want to cancel them

by alex

The day before, December 14, the chairman of the board of the NGO Anti-Corruption Center Vitaly Shabunin registered a petition to cancel Lozovoy’s edits in full.

She collected the 25 thousand signatures required for consideration in just one hour.

What is known about Lozovoy’s amendments and what they include — read in the material Facts ICTV.

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What are Lozovoy’s edits

Edits by Lozovoy — a number of changes to Law No. 2147-VIII, which were introduced in October 2017. They provide for the closure of criminal proceedings due to the expiration of the pre-trial investigation period.

Edits were proposed by people's deputy from the Lyashko party Andrey Lozovoy.

Lozovoy’s amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine led to the following changes:

  • h. 1 tbsp. 284 of this Code was supplemented with paragraph 10, according to which the basis for closing criminal proceedings was the end of the pre-trial investigation after reporting a suspicion.
  • The procedure for extending the period of pre-trial investigation has been changed. If previously the head of the prosecutor's office could extend the period to 6 and 12 months, now these powers have passed to the investigating judge.

In simple terms, these changes established clear rules for conducting human rights investigations.

In particular, mandatory video recording of the search and the presence of the suspect’s lawyer during the search, etc., were provided for, and did not allow investigators to delay the process from the beginning of the investigation to the transfer of the case to court, explains lawyer Rostislav Kravets.

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“They established judicial control over criminal proceedings. It’s not the case, for example, that criminal proceedings were opened — and it lies there for 10 years, and they use it to conduct searches, wiretapping phones, limiting a person’s freedom, but at the same time they do nothing, simply destroying businesses or political opponents to order. And it was precisely these edits by Lozovoy that did not make it possible to do this,” he said.

What will happen if Lozovoy’s edits are canceled

According to the amendments, after the opening of criminal proceedings and notification of suspicion, the prosecutor can extend the period of pre-trial investigation by only one month; in the future, its extension must occur exclusively under judicial control.

It turned out that some structures, when opening high-profile cases, did not adhere to the law of conducting investigations, and now dozens of high-profile cases may be closed simply due to the lapse of time.

And in fact, the work of NABU and SAP may come to naught.

– Now the situation has turned out that all the high-profile cases in which NABU and SAPP were promoting themselves, about the detention of corrupt officials, thefts worth billions of hryvnias — It turned out that these were all dummies. They did nothing, they only opened cases, did nothing for years, and are now logically completed. They did not apply to the court for an extension of the deadlines, accordingly, the deadlines have expired, and accordingly, they cannot now bring the case to court, and now, thanks to public activists, they want to cancel Lozovoy’s amendments in order to remove responsibility from NABU and SAPO. If they are canceled, then we will actually turn into a totalitarian country,” the lawyer noted.

Recall that on December 5, President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky announced that the Verkhovna Rada in the coming days could adopt several important European integration bills.

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