Home » Long-awaited news for Ukrainians: Pionkovsky said that the collapse of Russia has already begun

Long-awaited news for Ukrainians: Pionkovsky said that the collapse of Russia has already begun

by alex

According to Pionkovsky, the most terrible danger for the Russian Federation during the collapse is the Far East, because on China has plans for him.

Russian publicist Andrei Piontkovsky said that the collapse of the Russian Federation has already begun, everything will continue to happen by inertia.

Pionkovsky voiced such a statement on the air ” 1+1″ as part of the national telethon “United News”.

“Kadyrov, in every statement, by the way, emphasizes that he is not some kind of governor of a small region, but the head of the “independent” state of Ichkeria and that he is in a confederation with Russia and in a personal union with Putin. Putin lost the war in Chechnya. And he agreed to pay a large financial tribute to Kadyrov, and for this he formally declares his stay in the Russian Federation and, in addition, participation in Putin's military adventures. As soon as he leaves power, Kadyrov, together with the army, will return to Chechnya and will defend himself from the Russian Federation.The process of disintegration has begun, and then it will be by inertia – other Caucasian regions“, he noted.

However, according to Pionkovsky, the most terrible danger for the Russian Federation during the collapse is this is the Far East. The Chinese leader, according to the expert, will gladly take these lands.

“The most terrible danger for Russia is the Far East, where the Chinese leader is watching the situation. He also pushed Putin to this war, because no matter what the outcome, the President of China won. If Ukraine had not resisted, America had not provided any military assistance to Ukraine, then it would have been such a shambles for the United States that it would actually have disappeared as a world state. And the President of China would have taken Taiwan in 2 weeks, no one would have defended it. If he wins America, Russia will begin disintegration, during which the Chinese will realize their long-standing national dream – to return their lands to the Russian Federation,” he summed up.


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