Home ยป London explained the strengthening of the nuclear arsenal by the strengthening of the Russian missile defense

London explained the strengthening of the nuclear arsenal by the strengthening of the Russian missile defense

by alex

Ben Wallace

London explained the strengthening of the nuclear arsenal by the strengthening of the anti-missile defense (ABM) of Russia. British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said this on the BBC TV channel.

Wallace said the UK is seeing a significant increase in Moscow's investment in missile defense. He noted that Russia has already planned and deployed new missile defense systems.

The head of the department stressed that if London wants to have credible means of nuclear deterrence, then it is necessary to ensure that they are able to fulfill their task. For this, the minister considers it necessary to monitor the actions of Russia and other countries in this area.

Earlier it was reported about the intention of the British authorities to significantly increase the number of nuclear warheads in service with the country. According to The Guardian, in particular, we are talking about a 40 percent increase in the number of warheads used in Trident II missiles on British submarines – from 180 to 260. In total, it is planned to allocate about ten billion pounds for these purposes.

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