Home » Lockdowns in Europe have increased the demand for drugs

Lockdowns in Europe have increased the demand for drugs

by alex

Experts say that the expected decline in the supply of drugs against the background of coronavirus restrictions did not occur. On the contrary, prohibited substances are transported in large volumes, and only a part of them can be detected by customs officers.

According to one of the Berliners, who sometimes uses drugs himself, quarantine is to blame for everything – people are bored, they are forced to secretly gather in private apartments and entertain themselves with available means, while clubs and bars remain closed, writes the dw edition. com.

“We used to go to bars and sometimes sniff cocaine, but for that we had to go to the toilet one by one. Now we are sitting at home, and for everyone there is a dose on the table. Everything has become faster and everyone gets more.

According to the man who identified himself as Alexander, due to coronavirus restrictions, there were no problems with the supply of the potion – the powder is delivered to your home.

The head of the customs office in the port of Hamburg, Rene Macchke, confirmed that with the introduction of quarantine, drug supplies increased – if in the previous two years customs officers managed to seize 10 tons of the potion each, then only in February this year a consignment weighing a record 16 tons of cocaine was discovered.

Mačke argues that major ports are the main gateways for drug trafficking in Europe.

Law enforcement officials believe that Europe has become much more attractive to traffickers than the United States, with its very strict rules against drug traffickers. However, liberal Europeans are reluctant to follow the path of the United States in the fight against the potion, and are contemplating legal alternatives for coca-growing peasants in South America.

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