Home » Liz Truss announces her decision to become British Prime Minister

Liz Truss announces her decision to become British Prime Minister

by alex

The British Prime Minister apologized for the “mistakes”, but assured that she would lead the Conservative Party for the next general election.

British Prime Minister Liz Truss said she intends to remain in office despite calls from a number of parliamentarians to resign.

She stated this in Monday, October 17, in an interview with the BBC.

“I will lead the Conservative Party in the next general election. I was elected to this position to serve the country. We are facing very difficult times, we cannot wasting time talking about the Conservative Party instead of doing what they should,” Truss said.

She also admitted her mistakes and apologized

“I really want to take responsibility and apologize for the mistakes I've made. I wanted to help people deal with their electricity bills, solve the problem of high taxes, but we went too far, too fast. I acknowledged it. I appointed a new finance minister with a new strategy for restoring economic stability,” the prime minister emphasized.

By mistakes, Liz Truss meant her plans to reduce taxes, which had to be abolished in order to stabilize the economy.

< p>At the same time, she added that she remains committed to “low taxes and rapid economic growth,” but maintaining economic stability is now a “priority.”

Recall, 47-year-old Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Truss became the new Prime Minister of Great Britain on September 6 this year. Politics has repeatedly noted that it fully supports Ukraine and believes that Russian troops should be ousted from the illegally occupied territories.

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