Home » Lithuania is forced to restore rail transit of goods to Kaliningrad: what's the matter

Lithuania is forced to restore rail transit of goods to Kaliningrad: what's the matter

by alex

From July 22, Lithuania resumed the transit of sanctioned goods between Russia and Kaliningrad, which had been stopped since mid-June.< /p>

Changes have been made in accordance with the published decision of the European Commission.

This is reported by Delfi.

Transit is handled by the freight forwarding company LTG Cargo, owned by Lithuanian Railways. The transport of goods will be carried out in compliance with the conditions for strengthening the control of goods in transit, provided for in the guidelines of the European Commission.

“According to the relevant regulation of the Council of the European Union and the guidelines of the EC, as well as the interpretation of the competent authorities, in accordance with the conditions for strengthening the control of goods in transit provided for in the EC guidelines, LTG Cargo will resume such transportation,” the message says.

The transit of goods prohibited by the sanctions will only be allowed if they are necessary, are not considered an unusual flow or trade pattern, and do not circumvent restrictions.

According to the Lithuanian Railways, the volume of freight traffic will have to correspond to the average volume of freight transported by rail for three years, from January 2019 to the end of December 2021.

Average values ​​will be calculated for each product code separately, and applications will be rejected if their volume reaches the average annual values. Goods previously transported by trucks will not be taken into account when calculating the average traffic.

Lithuanian Railways says that transit transportation of the luxury items listed in the guide will not be resumed until further clarification.

Recall that since June 17, Lithuania has banned the transportation of sanctioned goods to Kaliningrad. We are talking about building materials, metals and coals. The ban also affected the railway communication between Moscow and Kaliningrad and road transport. Air and sea routes are not subject to sanctions.


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