Home ยป Listed are five subtle symptoms of lung cancer

Listed are five subtle symptoms of lung cancer

by alex

British doctors have listed five non-obvious symptoms that may indicate lung cancer. The Daily Express writes about this.

So, in some patients, changes in the nails are observed – the tips begin to bend down more than usual. Also, arm or shoulder pain is caused by a certain type of lung cancer if it spreads to the nerves.

Voice changes can also be indicative of cancer. The person's voice may become more hoarse, and sometimes the person may begin to make unusual sounds.

A drooping eyelid may indicate the presence of lung cancer, in which case the nerves are compressed. Constant thirst and frequent urination are observed in 20 percent of patients. Other symptoms include coughing up blood or excess mucus and chest pain.

Earlier, experts from the medical organization Cancer Research UK listed the main symptoms of a growing cancer and told how to recognize stomach cancer at an early stage. According to doctors, most of the patients who were diagnosed with this disease complained of difficulty swallowing or dysphagia. A painful burning sensation or even pain may be felt when swallowing.

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