Home » Leopard 1 is not modern, but there is a nuance: the lieutenant general said how they will strengthen the Armed Forces

Leopard 1 is not modern, but there is a nuance: the lieutenant general said how they will strengthen the Armed Forces

by alex

Germany allowed Ukraine to provide 178 Leopard 1 tanks. Although these tanks are not as powerful as modern models , but they can be used as armored fighting vehicles.

This Channel 24 was told by Lieutenant General, military expert Igor Romanenko. It is known that Ukraine will receive Leopard 2 tanks from Germany.

Leopard 1 can be used as an AFV

According to Romanenko, Leopard 1 is the first German tank made after World War II. These tanks were supposed to counteract the Soviet T-55, T-62.

“Leopard 1 has a 105 mm cannon. This weapon is not very effective against the armor of the T-72 tank and others that came out later. But they can be used as armored fighting vehicles,” the military expert believes.

General- the lieutenant stressed that it is imperative to find out how long it takes to restore Leopard 1 tanks and how much can be used at the front.

But Leopard 2 tanks are more powerful, Igor Romanenko noted. A military expert explained that such a tank has a 155 mm cannon.

Romanenko analyzed the effectiveness of Leopard 1 tanks: watch the video

We need to ask the allies for more modern tanks

Igor Romanenko companies approached Ukraine with a proposal to restore the required number of Leopard 1 and 2 within two years for 200-300 million euros.

“We are aware of the statements of the heads of German companies who contacted us during the struggle for permits. But can we assume that these tasks will be solved in such a time frame? Certainly not,” the lieutenant general said.

Military the expert is sure that Leopard 1 tanks are very necessary for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But Ukraine must negotiate with the allies on the speedy delivery of modern tanks, because the situation at the front is very tense.

Germany will provide Ukraine with 178 Leopard 1 tanks

  • The German government wants to supply Ukraine with many more Leopard 1 tanks than previously known. The country's Federal Security Council approved the transfer of 178 Leopard 1. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that several dozen would arrive in Ukraine in the spring.
  • The head of the German defense department also said that 600 Ukrainian soldiers had already begun training with the German military. He noted that they learn very quickly and this greatly delights him.
  • It is noted that exactly how many tanks will be delivered depends on how many Leopard 1 systems Ukraine wants. However, security circles expect Kyiv to take every available tank.

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