Home » Left in a wheelchair in the middle of the street: in Volchansk, the occupiers shot a disabled person

Left in a wheelchair in the middle of the street: in Volchansk, the occupiers shot a disabled person

by alex

In Volchansk, Kharkov region, Russian occupiers shot a disabled person near the captured local hospital.

Execution of a man in Volchansk

According to the Kharkov Regional Prosecutor's Office, monitoring of social networks, namely the Telegram channel of the Ukrainian war correspondent Andrey Tsaplienko, discovered a publication.

The material says that aerial reconnaissance officers, while monitoring the airspace over Volchansk, discovered the body of a deceased man in a wheeled chair near a local hospital captured by Russian soldiers.

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The Kharkov Regional Prosecutor's Office is considering the theory that the man was probably trying to get away from the medical facility, but the Russian military shot him and left him standing in a wheelchair in the middle of a broken street.

Prosecutors entered information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations into violation of the laws and customs of war, coupled with premeditated murder (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). A pre-trial investigation has begun.

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