Home » Leadership meeting ended with shelling: Zhdanov revealed the details of the strike on the headquarters of the Russians

Leadership meeting ended with shelling: Zhdanov revealed the details of the strike on the headquarters of the Russians

by alex

The Russians defend to the last in the occupied part of Kherson. However, the other day, a meeting of the top leadership there ended with artillery shelling from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ukrainian military expert Oleg Zhdanov spoke about this on his YouTube channel. Channel 24. We are talking about great sacrifices among the military leadership of Russia.

Currently, the Russian military leadership is dealing with defense issues, Zhdanov said. The Russian military forces will switch to strategic defense, because they simply have no way out. They have exhausted all their offensive potential.

They need a strategic defense in order to somehow reduce the intensity of the fighting on our part. – added a military expert.

The destruction of the headquarters of infidels in the Kherson region: watch the video

The meeting ended with shelling

December 26, 2022, on the left bank of the Kherson region, the command of the southern military district of the Russian armed forces held a meeting. It was held at the headquarters of infidels in the area of ​​the Zabarino military base.

This visiting collegium, Zhdanov let in, was devoted to questions of organizing the defense of the left bank. Officers of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces were present there.

However, our intelligence worked perfectly. And as a result, this meeting did not end well, – said Zhdanov.

The military expert said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine covered the meeting and all those present with artillery shelling.

As of December 27, there is evidence that only more than 70 people from senior and senior officers were wounded there. The death toll is still being specified.

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