Home ยป Lavrov was rude to a Ukrainian journalist who asked about grain stolen from Ukraine

Lavrov was rude to a Ukrainian journalist who asked about grain stolen from Ukraine

by alex

Lavrov calls the theft of grain in Ukraine a “little problem”/Collage of Channel 24

The Russians stole hundreds of thousands of tons of grain in Ukraine and took them to Syria. The invaders themselves are trying to justify the war against Ukraine and pretend that they do not commit terrible crimes.

The Russian occupiers are trying to plunder everything in Ukraine that they can get their hands on. They put special effort into stealing grain in order to blackmail the civilized world, which may suffer from hunger.

Lavrov's next lie

Determine when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is lying, very simply – he should only speak. Such is the job of someone who proclaims the “diplomatic” position of a terrorist country.

It is known that the Russian invaders stole hundreds of thousands of tons of grain from Ukrainian farmers. They take the loot to Russia or transport it to the Crimea, and then by ship to Syria. There is no need to even talk about other looting by Russians. They try to steal everything from rolled metal in the ports of Mariupol to washing machines, toilet bowls and kitchen utensils.

At a briefing after a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Lavrov said he was ready to consider options for corridors for Ukrainian grain in the Black Sea. When a Ukrainian journalist asked him that, besides grain, the Russian invaders had already taken out of Ukraine, Lavrov began to be rude in his usual style, because the Russians are simply not capable of anything else.

Do you always have a headache about where to steal something, and you think that everyone does it? We are engaged in the implementation of the goals that were announced publicly – to rid the East of the pressure of the “neo-Nazi” regime. And grain can be freely transported to destinations,โ€ Lavrov said.

He also lied that Russia does not interfere with the Black Sea, and the export of grain depends on the decision of Kyiv.

“For this is necessary for Mr. Zelensky to give a command, if he still commands something there, to allow foreign and Ukrainian ships to enter the Black Sea,” the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Lavrov also tried to reduce the scale of the catastrophe caused by the Russians. In his sore head, in some completely incomprehensible way, the share of Ukrainian grain on the global market began to amount to 1%.

Our Western colleagues and Ukrainians are trying to make the export of Ukrainian grain into the category of a global catastrophe . Although the share of this grain is less than 1% of world production of wheat and cereals. Therefore, the export of grain from Ukraine has nothing to do with the food crisis,โ€ Lavrov came up with.

Well, this is not the first time Russia has been trying to hide its crimes and reduce their scale. They forget that the modern world is not the North Korea they turn their country into, so all their crimes are recorded, and responsibility will surely come.

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