Home » Lavrov spoke about the US demonstration of complete incapacity for negotiation

Lavrov spoke about the US demonstration of complete incapacity for negotiation

by alex

Sergey Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran is a demonstration of Washington's complete inability to negotiate. He expressed his position when answering questions from the Chinese media. The conversation was published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lavrov noted that the United States not only stopped fulfilling its obligations under the treaty, which is now trying to revive, but also banned all other countries from fulfilling the resolutions of the UN Security Council. According to the minister, the West perceived this decision of Washington as “reality.” However, the Russian minister stressed that this is not “reality”, but a gross violation of international law.

The Foreign Minister expressed the hope that the United States, which has expressed its intention to return to the nuclear deal, will realize their desire.

Earlier, Lavrov revealed the essence of Western diplomacy. Discussing the current policy of the United States and its allies, he noted that the West has forgotten how to use classical diplomacy. The minister also lamented that “as soon as our Western partners (who use such methods) meet with a polite rebuff, they immediately go over to sanctions.”

The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) on Iran was concluded in the summer of 2015 between Tehran and six mediating countries. Later, Iran was caught in gross violations of the agreements. In early May 2018, Trump announced Washington's unilateral withdrawal from the deal and the resumption of anti-Iranian sanctions. Iran announced the abandonment of the JCPOA agreements in January 2020.

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