Home ยป Lavrov spoke about the crisis of Russia's confidence in Europe

Lavrov spoke about the crisis of Russia's confidence in Europe

by alex

Sergey Lavrov

Russia has a crisis of confidence in Europe caused by the “short-sighted policy of NATO-centricity.” This was stated by the country's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in his address to the organizers and participants of the discussion forum “Milestones in German-Soviet Relations”, RIA Novosti reports.

According to him, because of the same policy, the large-scale potential of Russian-German cooperation remained unrealized. Lavrov hoped that the countries would still be able to restore relations.

On September 30, the Russian Foreign Ministry spoke about the impossibility of doing business with Western countries due to constant provocations against Russia. With such a statement, published on the official website, the department reacted to the words of German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas at the UN on the use of chemical weapons against Alexei Navalny. Russian diplomats recalled that lately in the West they often talk about the fact that it is no longer possible to do business with the Russian state in the same way.

Navalny became ill on August 20 during a flight from Tomsk to Moscow. In the first two days, doctors from the Omsk hospital helped him. They also introduced him to an artificial coma. On August 22, the patient was sent to a clinic in Berlin.

On September 2, the German government announced that military toxicologists had found traces of a substance from the Novichok group in Navalny's body and called on the Russian government to respond to this information. Russian doctors noted that they had not identified any poisons. In September, Navalny was brought out of a coma and discharged. Rehabilitation will take several weeks, after which he plans to return to Russia.

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