Home » Lavrov made new threats to Poland for helping Ukraine

Lavrov made new threats to Poland for helping Ukraine

by alex

Lavrov is outraged by the help of Poland and the Baltic countries to Ukraine and threatens to break off diplomatic relations.

The Foreign Minister of the terrorist country Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov accused Poland and the Baltic countries of allegedly unleashing a “tough Russophobic campaign” in 2022 and threatened to break off diplomatic relations.

Lavrov said this at a press conference on January 30, Russian propaganda media quoted him.

Lavrov said that last year, when the Russian Federation attacked independent Ukraine on a full scale, and the Baltic countries and Poland began to significantly help Kyiv and support Ukrainians, there was a “catastrophic degradation of relations with Poland and the Baltic countries.” According to him, interaction in all areas has been terminated or reduced to zero.

The Russian minister claims that this is supposedly connected with a “tough Russophobic campaign”, which, according to him, was allegedly launched, in particular, and in Poland.

Lavrov also admitted the possibility of severing diplomatic relations with Poland and the Baltic countries, where, in his opinion, anti-Russian sentiment prevails. He convinces that Moscow will not initiate this, but in the event of a rupture of diplomatic relations, according to Lavrov, all responsibility will fall on the authorities of these countries.

“These countries are trying to be the backbone of any” anti-Russian undertakings “of the West”, – Lavrov said, referring to the unprecedented assistance to the West to Ukraine.

In addition, Lavrov said that Moscow intends to defend its national interests and threatened “long-term consequences” in the event of “any actions of opponents.”


Recall that recently Putin's minion and chief Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov again threatened Poland with an alleged “capture of Warsaw”.

As reported by the Polish Ministry of Defense, the probability is extremely high war with the participation of Warsaw, therefore, the country's foreign and defense policy should be aimed at strengthening relations with like-minded people around the world.

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