Home » Lavrov commented on the blocking of the RT DE channel

Lavrov commented on the blocking of the RT DE channel

by alex

Foreign Minister Lavrov called outrageous situation with blocking RT DE channel

Photo: press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry

The situation in Germany around the broadcasting of the RT DE TV channel is outrageous. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports TASS.

According to him, Germany is related to the current situation, and Berlin is responsible for ensuring that this arbitrariness stops.

“Now our colleagues in Serbia have registered the RT DE channel in German in accordance with the European convention on broadcasting, Germany is a party to the convention, so it must be complied with. But, apparently, now they will again nod on social networks, on YouTube, that this is their personal initiative, they have their own criteria, and the German state has nothing to do with it, “Lavrov said.

According to him, Russia does not rule out a mirror response to the blocking of Russian media in the West, but it never wanted to go “along the path of stifling the press.” “We have said more than once, for many years such discrimination against the Russian media has been observed, and we, of course, often had the temptation to respond in a mirror-like manner, to reciprocate, but until recently we were still convinced that we did not want to be in this situation. follow the same path of stifling the press, stifling the media, as our Western partners are doing, ”added the Foreign Minister.

Earlier it became known that an investigation was initiated in Germany against the Russia Today TV channel network. Berlin suspects the Russian television network of violating broadcasting rules in Germany due to the alleged lack of the necessary license for the network. Following the investigation, RT may be fined up to half a million euros or banned from broadcasting.

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