Home » Lavrov called information terrorism the campaign of the West about the invasion of Ukraine

Lavrov called information terrorism the campaign of the West about the invasion of Ukraine

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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused the West of information terrorism because of Ukraine

Sergey Lavrov. Photo: Russian Foreign Ministry / Globallookpress.com

The Western campaign about an allegedly impending Russian invasion of Ukraine is information terrorism. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made this statement at a joint press conference with the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau. The broadcast is available on RBC's YouTube channel.

“About the exercises that, I repeat, Russia is conducting on its own territory in accordance with its own plans. They begin, are carried out and end as planned… And this is done regardless of who and what thinks, who and how will hysteria about this, who and how is deploying real information terrorism,” the minister stressed.

Earlier, Lavrov said that Western countries have responded positively to a number of Russian initiatives on security guarantees, despite the fact that they have been rejected for a long time. “The swiftness with which NATO has changed its position suggests that not everything in this bloc is lost, that they can admit the obvious when they are serious,” the diplomat said.

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