Home » Kremlin says it “knows nothing” about Sarmat missile test failure

Kremlin says it “knows nothing” about Sarmat missile test failure

by alex

The Russians were not even able to carry out a test launch and the missile exploded while it was being refueled.

The Kremlin assures that it knows nothing about the failures during the testing of the Russian RS-28 intercontinental ballistic missile ” Sarmat “, which dictator Putin and his entourage are constantly trying to intimidate the West with.

Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the military should be contacted on this issue, reports The Moscow Times.

The media, citing satellite images, report that the Sarmat missile exploded right in the silo at the Plesetsk test site.

“We do not have any information on this matter. This is rather a question that falls within the competence of our military. Therefore, I recommend contacting them,” he said during briefing.

Analysts suggest that the Russians were not even able to carry out a test launch and the missile exploded while it was being refueled.

Recall that it was previously reported that the consequences of the unsuccessful test of the RS-28 “Sarmat” intercontinental missile by the Russian Federation were discovered.

In addition, we previously reported that France successfully tested the modernized ASMPA-R nuclear missile.

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