Home » Kommunalkredit accepted into the European hydrogen alliance

Kommunalkredit accepted into the European hydrogen alliance

by alex

The specialist bank is Austria's first financial service provider to be part of the “European Clean Hydrogen Alliance”.

The “European Clean Hydrogen Alliance”, which was launched by the EU Commission, has only existed since the middle of the year. Now Kommunalkredit Austria AG has become the first Austrian financial service provider in this alliance. According to its own information, the focus of the specialist bank for infrastructure and energy financing is on sustainable infrastructure projects.

“We believe in hydrogen as a climate-neutral energy carrier with enormous potential. And we place great emphasis on innovation and sustainability. It was a logical step for us to join the” European Clean Hydrogen Alliance “, because the economic and financial system is now required to To promote economic and sustainable projects that contribute to achieving # mission2030, the Green Deal and climate neutrality, ”said CEO Bernd Fislage.

The ambitious use of hydrogen technologies is to be promoted within the framework of the alliance by 2030.

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