Home » Kim Jong-in's visit to Russia: what Russian weapons did Shoigu show the dictator?

Kim Jong-in's visit to Russia: what Russian weapons did Shoigu show the dictator?

by alex

In particular, Shoigu boasted to the North Korean dictator about Kinzhal missiles.

On Saturday, September 16, North Korean leader Kim Jong-unarrived at the Knevichi airfield in Vladivostok, Russia. Together with the Minister of Defense of the aggressor country of Russia, Sergei Shoigu, he looked at nuclear bombers, hypersonic missiles and warships.

This is reported by Reuters.

It is noted that the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense showed the leader of the DPRK Russian strategic bombers Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22M3, capable of carrying nuclear weapons and forming the basis of the Russian nuclear air force.

Shoigu also showed Kim Jong-in the MiG-31I supersonic interceptor aircraft equipped with Kinzhal hypersonic missiles. It is with them that the invaders attack Ukrainian settlements.

Kim Jong-un inspected the warship of the Russian Pacific Fleet “Marshal Shaposhnikov” in Vladivostok. The North Korean dictator also had the opportunity to observe the demonstration performance of the Russian fleet.

Recall that on September 12, the leader of North Korea arrived in Russia. The next day, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un met in the Far Eastat the Vostochny cosmodrome to hold talks.

During a meeting with fellow Kremlin dictator Kim Jong-un made a statement about Russia's war in Ukraine. The North Korean leader stressedthat he is “confident in Russia’s success” in the war. He called the occupying army “heroic”, which will “confidently demonstrate the priceless virtues of honor” in the so-called “SVO”.

▶ On the TSN YouTube channel you can watch the video at this link: Putin meets Kim Chen Ying! One has an armed famine, the other has a food famine

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