Home » Kalinovsky's regiment is waiting for a document from Ukraine on future relations with Belarus

Kalinovsky's regiment is waiting for a document from Ukraine on future relations with Belarus

by alex

Belarus and Ukraine are connected not only by the fact that the territory of the northern neighbor is used by the aggressor country for constant shelling of our state. We should also not forget that many Belarusians today are helping to fight against the war of conquest by Russia, and the majority of the people of Belarus do not support Russian aggression.

However, despite this, there is no plan in Ukraine future relations between the two states after the Victory. This was also noted by the speakers at the round table “Belarusian Platform: a public conversation about the future”.

A plan for future relations is required

In particular, Andrei Sheuchik, a representative of the headquarters of the Kastus Kalinouski Regiment, stressed that today the Belarusians are helping Ukraine regain its territorial integrity, but they cannot in no way influence the future relations of states and express their opinion on this matter. This is because there is no strategy from the Ukrainian side regarding the future relations of the countries.

While we are fighting, while we are studying, while we have certain hopes, but we do not have any strategy, not a single line, not a word about what Ukraine will do with Belarus. This is not. We must have a plan. And if there is no such plan, then what can we talk about? That is, we can neither correct nor express our opinion on this matter, because this item does not exist,” he stressed.

Andriy Sheuchyk stressed that, of course, activists can “take a roll of wallpaper and paint it all sorts of suggestions”, but this will not have any weight without the necessary strategy.

Everyone should work on the strategy

Also, a representative of the headquarters of the Kastus Kalinowski Regiment stressed that everyone should work on this document: both the political structures of Ukraine and the activists of Belarus.

“When time permits, it is possible to develop the most effective strategy towards Belarus. What to do, how to do it is political will Ukraine, and we, the Kalinovsky regiment, must agree with this,” he said.

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