Home » Kadyrov married his 17-year-old son to his cousin’s 14-year-old granddaughter: the reason

Kadyrov married his 17-year-old son to his cousin’s 14-year-old granddaughter: the reason

by alex

Kadyrov performed weddings for his two minor sons. Why don-don needs children's weddings, the material says.

The scandalous head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, secretly married his two sons – 17 On June 8, 16-year-old Eli and 16-year-old Adam got married to the granddaughter of State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov and the daughter of Senator Suleiman Geremeev, respectively. One of the chosen ones can be no more than 14 years old.

This is reported by Novaya Gazeta Europe.

The wedding became known because of a traffic accident

Unlike the magnificent wedding of Akhmat’s eldest son in March last year, this time the celebrations took place in an atmosphere of unprecedented secrecy.

We only found out about the wedding because of an accident on the Caucasus highway. On the day of the celebrations, the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation cordoned off the highway. But at some point the security forces hesitated and allowed a Ford car onto the road. An armored Rolls-Royce from the column of Kadyrov's sons rammed a Ford. The motorcade didn't even stop and moved on. The Ford driver was hospitalized, traffic police officers were “cruelly punished.”

What is known about brides

The scandalous 16-year-old Adam Kadyrov married the daughter of Suleiman Geremeev, Delimkhanov’s cousin and the uncle of Ruslan Geremeev, a defendant in the murder case of Boris Nemtsov. Journalists were unable to establish the identity and age of this bride. thumbs/608xX/19/76/2dc7001b01afec01b650f61e2fef7619.jpeg” width=”608″ height=”370″ alt=”Adam Kadyrov with his father/© “>

17-year-old Eli Kadyrov married granddaughter of State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov. According to some media reports, he is Ramzan Kadyrov’s cousin. According to journalists, Delikhanov’s daughter is now 31 years old. She got married at 17 years old. Thus, it turns out that Delimkhanov’s granddaughter cannot possibly be older than 14 years old.

Кадыров женил 17-летнего сына на 14-летней внучке двоюродного брата: причина

Why is Kadyrov in a hurry with the marriages of his children

The publication notes that of the many children of “don-don”, only the eldest daughter Aishat got married upon reaching adulthood. Further, the publication tells things that we can only read in history textbooks about marriage transactions of the Middle Ages.

Terminally ill, Kadyrov fears for the fate of his children and tries to ensure their safety in the event of his death through marriage.

All the eldest daughters are “placed” into families whose loyalty to Kadyrov is not conditioned by his rise, and who come from his village. Thus, “dong-dong” hopes that these clans will protect his daughters in the event of his death.

The sudden weddings of the young sons Eli and Adam are also marriage unions.

“The Delimkhanovs and Geremeevs are in a family relationship, and in terms of their influence, wealth and even the number of armed units, together they can compete with Kadyrov himself. To surpass him, they lack only one thing – close relations with President Putin “, writes Novaya Gazeta.

We note that the notorious Adam Kadyrov – a lover of awards and medals, who in a pre-trial detention center beat the imprisoned Crimean Nikita Zhuravel – was born in 2008 by Kadyrov's concubine Zamira Dzhabrailova. She was 15.5 years old at that moment.

Of all Kadyrov’s children, maintaining influence and ensuring security after the death of his father is much lower than the others for the eldest son Akhmat – he was married to the daughter of the owner of a chain of dental clinics in Chechnya.

< img class="c-card__embed__img" src="https://img.tsn.ua/cached/922/tsn-d7721072f5f1787fa1f16a6df613a75f/thumbs/608xX/11/69/67154f861d5160952a3179fd33fe6911.jpeg" width="608" height="810 " alt="Akhmat Kadyrov at a meeting with Putin. Photo: RosSMI/© ">

The marriage was not particularly beneficial for Kadyrov in terms of influence. But according to information from sources, Akhmat was hastily married against his will because he fell in love with a “commoner,” which was, from the “don-don” point of view, generally unacceptable.

Previously, the media wrote that Ramzan Kadyrov has a harem of underage concubines, and one of them gave birth to a child at the age of 15

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