Home » Janko anger after the ÖFB presidential election:

Janko anger after the ÖFB presidential election:

by alex

The ex-team striker and KURIER columnist criticizes the “meaningless system” at the ÖFB, which can only vote itself out.

The ÖFB presidential election is over, with Gerhard Milletich the successor to Leo Windtner was chosen on Saturday. The designated head of the Austrian Football Association will officially take up his post in Velden on October 17th. There are some construction sites waiting for the 65-year-old.

On the one hand, the future head of the largest sports association in the country has to clarify the team boss and, on the other hand, a crucial location issue, namely those for the new ÖFB office and the training center.

The fact that the “generation change” announced by the 71-year-old Windtner with the election of Milletich was taken to the point of absurdity also caused criticism. So also on the part of the ex-ÖFB striker and KURIER columnist Marc Janko. On Twitter, he was anything but happy about the decision at the ÖFB.

“Maintaining one's own position”

“Football belongs to all of us!”, Janko begins his statement, which is why the ÖFB presidential election should actually be about a public “competition of ideas”: “Instead, a committee responsible for amateur sport withdraws, votes secretly and is announced then the decision. “

And the 38-year-old doesn't like that at all: “It hurts my heart and I just have to say it, also because I'm in the fortunate position of not being dependent on anyone or expecting a job at the ÖFB in the future: THAT'S AMATEURAL and you can't get rid of the impression that all these decisions are never about the matter, but always about maintaining your own position or interests. “

“System free of meaning”

Janko also speaks of a “meaningless system” that “can only vote itself out”. And further: “It cannot be that only coaches and sports directors' heads are changed, but those who install them can continue to muddle up.” The ex-striker even offers the ÖFB a bet: “If you manage to win five ex-players or coaches for a petition in which the endorsement or support of the current structure is concerned, then this system can go on forever keep muddling up. “

Janko had previously been critical of Sky. “As it appears, the system maintainers have prevailed,” said the 70-time team player. As well as: “The course of the election must also be questioned. An external candidate like Schmid started the election committee with a 0-1 deficit because the state presidents vote themselves. Everywhere you look, you feel sick.”

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