Home » It’s too early to talk about reconciliation with Russia: Shevchuk explained the position of the UGCC on the procession in the Vatican

It’s too early to talk about reconciliation with Russia: Shevchuk explained the position of the UGCC on the procession in the Vatican

by alex

Svyatoslav Shevchuk explained the position of the UGCC on the procession of the cross in the Vatican/”Glavkom”

The way of the cross in the Vatican, with the participation of a Ukrainian and a Russian woman, who carried the cross together, aroused indignation among Ukrainians. His Beatitude Svyatoslav Shevchuk spoke about the position of the UGCC on this move.

The head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said that these gestures were not too timely.

Obviously, the Pope sometimes makes prophetic gestures, perhaps he shows some kind of goal that needs to be directed and achieved in the future. But in modern circumstances, we see that it is a little early to talk about reconciliation, – said the head of the UGCC.

Two key conditions are required for reconciliation

According to Svyatoslav Shevchuk, in order to at least In order to start talking about reconciliation between Ukraine and Russia, two key conditions are needed.

First, the war must be stopped. And obviously, this is a requirement for the aggressor. We must win this war in order for a just peace to come. Only then will the first requirement be completed,” he explained.

The second requirement is the key one. His Beatitude Svyatoslav said that the offender must be convicted, the crime punished, and the victim must be justly rewarded.

The state Russian ideology must be condemned by a separate international tribunal. The criminals must be named, punished, and Ukraine, the Ukrainian people must receive compensation,” he added.

Only then, Shevchuk is convinced, can reconciliation begin, which at the same time will be similar to wound healing.


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